Quiz ->Assignment 3:
1.Consider the program below.
What will be the output?
Ans: d) s s2 s4
2.Consider the program below.
What will be the output?
Ans: c) 5 6
3.Consider the program below.
Which line/lines will give error.
Ans: a) Line-1
b) Line-2
4.Consider the program below.
What will be the output?
Ans: d) 1222
5.Consider the program below.
Fill in the blank at Line-1 such that the output is as follows:
Roy Mohan Ram
Ans: d) *lname , *mname , *fname
6.Consider the program below.
What is the type of this pointer associated with the object t?
Ans:a) const Test* this;
b) Test* const this;
7.Consider the program below.
What will be the output/error?
Ans: d) compilation error: constructor is private
8.Consider the program below.
What will be the output/error?
Ans: c) compiler error: assignment of data-member Data::_d is read-only object.
9.Consider the program below.
What will be the output/error?
Ans: c) Compiler Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
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